Get Up! Ettore for Ruzzi

Relax after a heavy Bank Holiday weekend with ruzzi's new podcast by Pragmatism's Ettore. There's even physical copies available on MiniDisc - Email for orders.

From "jazzy beats", experimental Aphex sounds and a number of different styles in between... on the obscure side of things but all the while remaining interesting and uplifting.

Although ruzzi only recently shared its first ever podcast, the collectif originating in Genoa, has been around since 2007 as a label dealing with tapes (not-for-profit). Last year in December they released a tape by Bologna based Dumbo Beat which features instrumental hip hop. With the release of tape and CD formats ruzzi's keeping 1995 and 2005 alive.  


Operation fabric: Operation Lenor


Cabaret Recordings: A Hypnotic Lock